Best web hosting providers in the USA

If you care about the quality of a web host service, then, you should use one of the US web hosting services. It’s not a matter of location, but a high level of data center architecture, power generators and safety precautions with daily backup and more technologies.

In the US, there are hundreds or thousands of web hosting companies, but not all of them provides the quality we expect. So, here we’ll show you the best services with fast servers, good support, and amazing features.

1. InMotion

During the last years, we hosted different websites with InMotion Hosting, until now, all of our sites work well without issues. The great SSD infrastructure of InMotion and the fast network connection make the server load super fast on a shared environment.

In addition to their good shared web hosting, InMotion is one of the recommended web hosts that provides quality VPS and dedicated servers.

With two data centers in Loss Angeles and in Washington, DC, InMotion helps website owners to get the maximum speed. So, the maximum speed zone as they like to name it decreases the site loading time as the website visitor gets the site files from the nearest location.

It’s like a CDN that hosts the static site’s files and deliver them based on location.

InMotion offers free domain, SSD servers and best of all, there is a US-based customer support department that you can contact by phone, live chat, and emails.

The hosting plans that the company offers come with the highest levels of server security and daily scanning against malware and virus. For blogging, InMotion offers pre-installed WordPress, so, forget installation tools and just check the software you’d like to use when creating your hosting account.

2. Liquid Web

If there is one dedicated web hosting company that we should recommend, it will be Liquid Web. Of course, there are many other providers, but this one provides the fastest servers.

In fact, with SSD disk storage and the latest hardware and software innovation, Liquid Web offers the most secure site hosting environment.

There is a fully managed WordPress hosting with SSD, advanced dashboard and daily backup. By the way, there is no need to install any caching plugin as the server does all the caching using a built-in system.

The company provides enterprise-level hosting solutions, so, high traffic website should be hosted there as no other web host has the quality that Liquid Web offers.

3. iPage

iPage is a well-known web host, with $1.99 per month hosting plan, you can build a website, blog or even an eCommerce store with all its tools. Users get also free domain and unlimited resources. But please use it only for small blogs or sites, it’s not the right host for big sizes of website, instead, choose the above options.

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4. GoDaddy

GoDaddy is a popular domain registrar, but also, they’re one of the largest American hosting companies for small business websites. There are thousands of servers and multiple data centers which make everything powerful and affordable at the same time.

GoDaddy offers shared hosting plans, VPS, and also dedicated servers. So, the hosting plan pricing depends on the resource like RAM, CPU and more.

For the shared hosting, the first plan includes one website and unlimited bandwidth and disk space. The other plans are unlimited in resources, and you can host unlimited subdomains.

There is also email hosting with Microsoft office 365 and exclusive solutions for small business websites.

5. HostGator

HostGator is a cloud web hosting company based in Houston, Texas, they offer shared, VPS, reseller and dedicated plans. With the latest cPanel version, the company offers easy hosting with lots of tools such as the auto-installer software, FTP, SFTP and more.

You can manage your emails with forwarders, and check them online with a webmail tool.

HostGator has professional customer support, we recommend the phone option first, and if you find it occupied, use the live chat.

6. WP Engine

As an exclusively built for WordPress, WP Engine is a fully managed web hosting for blogs and small business websites that use the powerful CMS. The plans are not cheap compared to shared hosting, however, it’s a fast web hosting without any installation of caching plugins.

The first plan cost $35 monthly, however, it doesn’t come with CDN as the other hosting packages. WP Engine is a Texas-based web hosting company, however, they have offices in other countries.

7. BlueHost

Unlike a regular web host service, Bluehost is better known for WordPress. However, the quality is not that good as years ago, so, we strongly recommend installing a caching plugin for shared accounts.

On the other side, for VPS, and dedicated, their prices are expensive compared to their resources and limitation.

But Bluehost still a recommended site hosting provider for small WordPress blogs, they have the cPanel control panel and one-click installation software.

The company offers a managed WordPress hosting, however, it’s not faster than the above services. So, for WordPress, just use one of the fastest SSD hosting services.

8. Media Temple

Media Temple is another managed web hosting, it focuses on designers and agencies. So, the plans are not cheap as you may expect, but they look like small reseller packages with all the options that web designer need.

Related:  7 Best Windows VPS Hosting Providers


These are the best web hosts we used and recommend for websites in the United States. we’ll add more companies to this list later as we need some time to test them and give their services a try.

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About Editorial Staff

MyBlogHosting writers are experts on web hosting, WordPress, and server optimizations with years of experience in solving web host problems, reviewing companies and helping bloggers, business owners, and webmasters to choose a good reliable and secure hosting service: team led by Fathi Arfaoui.

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