How Much to Pay for Web Hosting?

If you want to buy a web hosting plan, you’ll find lots of options, prices, differences and more, but if you consider the quality, then, there are few services to choose from.

Now, what’s the real cost of buying a web hosting plan? is $10 enough to get a fast site loading time and supports? Or you’ll need expensive providers to get what you expect as tools and blog add-ons?

So, let’s answer these questions and find the truth about blog hosting costs.

The average cost for hosting a blog

In general, you should pay around $5 per month for a web hosting plan. That’s the average cost for blog hosting with trusted and fast providers like HostGator.

At the same time, if you like the one-month hosting plan, you can choose HostGator that offers cPanel, FTP, auto-installer software and lots of options.

What’s your blog gets with a shared web hosting is unlimited disk space, bandwidth, and of course email accounts. However, some web hosts limit the resources per account, and you can avoid that by compressing your blog images and saving bandwidth by compressing all the site content.

There is a dedicated tool for that in cPanel, where you can reduce the size of your HTML, CSS and Text content by 80% or more.

Keep in mind that pricing is just one of many things to look for when choosing a good web hosting plan for your blog. So, make sure you look for other factors such as the quality of the customer support

  • Price per month
  • Cost of SSL
  • What you get as tools (FTP, File Manager, email, etc…)
  • Type of disk storage, SSD is better and faster than old HDD
  • Does the web host provide themes?
  • Is there any premium plugin or theme that they offer for free?
  • What customer are saying about the company, pros, cons, complaints etc…
  • The server security and malware protection
  • Is there any speed optimization tool like CDN?

When you compare web hosts, try asking these questions, and you’ll find the best provider for your blog.

Managed WordPress hosting cost

In reality, you don’t need a managed web hosting for WordPress if you know how to deal with security issues and optimize the server. But all that needs complicated process, lots of time and effort optimizing the tools, configuring the web servers and managing things altogether.

So, a managed web hosting for WordPress is the service that solves that problem and lets you focus on your site content instead of technical things.

Related:  How much does it cost to start a WordPress website?

But that comes with an extra cost that not all the bloggers can afford. The average cost of a managed web hosting starts from $30 per month, and that’s for a limited number of installs.

The best web host we recommend is WP Engine, it cost $35 per month to get the fastest web hosting for your blog with SSL, CDN and lots of premium themes from StudioPress for free.

Other CMS

If you would like to build a website on other languages and CMS like Joomla, Drupal, and over, make sure you choose the right web host. In today’s world, there are many web hosting companies, but not all of them have PHP optimization and server acceleration systems.

In addition, there are many concerns about server security, hacks, site loading time and other things.

So, remember that you need a trusted web host that supports your preferred programming language like PHP, MySQL, and others.

The cost of these web hosting solutions starts from $4 a month on average. So, if you find cheaper or expensive plans, don’t forget to compare what the company offers to what you really need as resources and tools.

Prices for VPS and dedicated servers

If you need a VPS plan, then, focus on secure services, first, don’t be fooled by advertising and promises. Not all the VPS providers invest in security and offer what the user needs as SFTP, SSH and control panel.

On the other hand, if you don’t know how to deal with tools installation ad console issues, then, it’s better to choose a fully managed VPS instead, you’ll save your time and money when you hire someone else to fix your problems.

The average cost of having a VPS plan that’s not managed is $10 and you get limited RAM and CPU, but that’s enough to run any app like a WordPress site with a little traffic.

Now, if you need a high traffic hosting then, focus on fully managed VPS instead. That’s better for your site systems and for your customers as they get faster page loading time.

Now, it’s time to talk about dedicated hosting, the problem with this is the high cost in the first place and the RAM and CPU second. Some web hosts provide guaranteed resources at cheap, but when it comes to security and support, there is nothing to talk about.

On the other side, there are good dedicated web hosting companies that offer $16 GB of RAM for your server and lots of CPU. All that comes with DDoS protection, dedicated IP and enterprise-level SSD storage.

Related:  VPS Compared to Managed WordPress Hosting

The recommended dedicated web hosting that works better than others is Liquid Web. It costs $189/month for a fully optimized dedicated server that well protected and has powerful RAM and resources.

We hope you find these tips helpful, tell us what you think about web hosting costs, and what’s your experience with other providers? If you paid more than what the web hosting plan wort, then, share your experience using the comment section below.

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About Editorial Staff

MyBlogHosting writers are experts on web hosting, WordPress, and server optimizations with years of experience in solving web host problems, reviewing companies and helping bloggers, business owners, and webmasters to choose a good reliable and secure hosting service: team led by Fathi Arfaoui.

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