How can I host my own website?

In this article, we’ll show you how to host your website, and what you need, but keep in mind that you’ll just build the worst web hosting environment you can imagine.

Read carefully the following details as there is no way to host a site and make it secure and working without a good paid web hosting company.

Can you really host a website from home?

This is one of the most common problems that lost fo people neglect. In reality, yes, and no, you can host your website from using your home computer, but that’s just the theory. The reality is completely different, let’s talk about all that.

Let’s simplify web hosting

Using your own computer, you can install any XAMPP or WordPress install and server software. But that doesn’t work like any website you see online.

You’ll put your site at 100% of the risk and you’ll have the worst ways to host a website and make it public.

After installation, you’ll need to forward the port 80 to your web server, in addition, you’ll need to set up the additional configuration to make things work on Mac or Windows.

Also, to make a website available online, you need a constant Internet Connection, powerful RAM and resources.

Don’t trust what others say about security, if you install a website on your Mac and make it public, you’ll expose it to online threat and attacks. Even worst, there is no way to protect your site unless you’re one of the best web server engineers and experts.

Even if you’re one of the experts and you know what you’re doing, you’ll need hours of server configurations and setup to have a minim security level.

Now, for your Internet Service Provider, you’ll violate their terms by forwarding IP and ports. No ISP allows that, so, anytime, they can shut down your services and terminate your account.

If you make simple calculations, you’ll find that you’ll just make things complicated. Combine all the following things together to have an average cost of hosting a site home.

  • Powerful computer
  • Fast Internet connection
  • DNS
  • Security configuration and server tools…

Professionally talking, for a website that receives good traffic, that will cost hundreds of dollars or even thousands without any real value. So, the security will be at its lowest levels. In addition, the site can work but will consume all your monthly Internet quota and of course a lot of electricity bill.

Is that what you wanted in the end? If yes, then, you know what you do.

Related:  VPS Compared to Managed WordPress Hosting

On the other side, if you want to have a secure website, a professional web hosting, then, choose one of the services we recommend.

These companies do all the work and they have powerful data centers and dedicated web hosting tools, DNS, control panel and everything else.

Using a home server is a bad idea

Imagine if you have an idea about making a car, so, you’ll need an engine and all the other things that a car needs. You can spend months, years, or decades building the system and hope it can work in the end.

On the other side, you can combine parts together and have something that may or may not work.

Now, will you make the job better than big companies? Can you really save money for doing all these things yourself at home?

The answer is No, simply because of the mass production of products like a web server and other components that cut the cost significantly. So, like any other industry, web hosting needs a lot of resources and investments.

For testing a website and develop it, you can install a simple WordPress software that does the job. But if you want to host a site and make it public, then, it’s just a waste of time and money when using a home computer or server.

The best way for hosting a website

Instead of wasting your time with server configurations and never get what you expect, you can choose a good company that hosts your site.

Web hosting providers have thousands of web servers, the fastest internet connectivity, and powerful infrastructure that was built especially to host website and apps. Even better, by offering web hosting to thousands of customers, the cost of web hosting will be cheaper and the service will be better and faster.

We tested dozens of the most popular web hosting companies, but a few of them work and offer what we need as quality, security, good customer support, and affordable plans.

Now, the following are the right web hosts to make your website work the best way. Just choose any of them, they’re the best.

1. InMotion Hosting

This is our first recommended web hosting provider, it’s the best and the fastest options. The company provides fast SSD hosting with powerful RAM, unlimited bandwidth, and unlimited disk space.

For the website protection, there is a daily malware scanning and high levels of protection against online threats like vIRUS, DDoS and more.

For the website management, the cPanel file manager comes with all the tools you need. That includes, file manager, download and upload files using SFTP or FTP, and even managing the domain name DNS.

Related:  Comparing​ web hosting prices

There are also other amazing features that need articles to explain. All that powerful way to host your own website costs $3.49 per month and will be a fraction of what you’ll spend on hosting your website using your laptop from home.

How to Host your Own Website

2. HostGator

HostGator is a well known shared web hosting service with SSD servers, big data centers, and premium quality hardware. Unlike the way you host a site from home, this one makes your website optimized for speed and well-protected against any attack.

Even more, the prices are cheap and the quality of the web hosting service is great.


As you can see, hosting a website using a computer and your home internet network is a bad idea. That cost more and offers nothing as real website hosting in the end.

If you choose that way, then, good luck, you should know what you’re doing. Or, you can choose one of the above professional web hosts and have the best services.

It’s all about server security, site speed, resources and the uptime these days. And all these providers have 99.99% network uptime and that’s great.

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About Editorial Staff

MyBlogHosting writers are experts on web hosting, WordPress, and server optimizations with years of experience in solving web host problems, reviewing companies and helping bloggers, business owners, and webmasters to choose a good reliable and secure hosting service: team led by Fathi Arfaoui.

Disclaimer: We may earn a small commission when you purchase a product or service we trust through our affiliate links that cost nothing to you. That way, you help the writing team add more content. Thanks.

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