Is VPS Hosting Faster than Shared Hosting? Here are 5 Differences

If you have a blog or website, then, the speed matter to you, but when it comes to choosing between VPS and shared hosting, which one is faster?

Can you really use a shared server for any site? And what if you want dedicated server resources?

In today’s world, choosing one of these options may not be clear for many. So, here, we’ll talk about the differences in speed, site loading time and more.

Firstly, in general, a VPS should be faster than any shared hosting, that’s not only because of server resource allocated but also because of many optimizations.

In reality, new server virtualization technologies become more and more advanced and sophisticated in guaranteed the resources for each user’s account.

On the other side, there are many good web hosts that optimize their server, however, in terms of speed, the website works slower and the average server response time will be a problem especially for overused servers.

Now, let’s have a look, at the main differences and reasons why VPS works faster.

Why VPS work faster than Shared Hosting?

1. Dedicated RAM

The VPS with popular web hosting companies come with a shared RAM, however, everyone has its own portion of that RAM that no other user can use.

It’s a virtual RAM that guarantees your website usage no matter if other users have more traffic or less. Your site gets a stable RAM and that means fast servers CPU and loading time.

With web hosting providers like Liquid Web, the minimum VPS RAM is 2GB, so, that’s good for the website usage. Even more, with optimized cPanel and apps, everything will work smoothly without downtime issues that we found with other web hosts.

2. CPU usage

With old CPU server processors, it was not easy to deal with traffic spikes and applications like WordPress, etc… But with the time, there are more web hosting services that offer multiple CPU on each server.

That looks good for many, but there is always a limitation for using that.

The CPU usage also will be divided among hundreds of domains, as a result, one website can consume a big portion of the resources, and the other sites will be affected. So, even with enough CPU, there is always the risk of having an offline website.

For VPS hosting, the system allocated a server CPU to your account, so, no one can overuse the server resources like the case with shared accounts.

What we found amazing is that some trusted VPS providers offer auto-scaling server CPU that worked much faster than what we expected from a VPS.

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In fact, these hosts have powerful dedicated servers that let them install new multiple processors to handle lots of severs request and site traffic at the maximum speed. You can count on their VPS and host a website and have guaranteed resources.

We saw other companies limiting the CPU, but that one offer unlocked CPU cores. That way, if your site needs more resources, it will get from the cloud and never affect other domains.

3. Dedicated IP

With shared hosting, the server IP address is changed between all the websites hosted on it. In reality, if there are 200 blogs, for example on that server, then, each one will use that IP, and if you add the number of visits and crawling to each site, that can be a problem, every site will work slowly.

On the other side, the VPS has its own dedicated IP, so, the website hosted there will use 100% of the IP address. What does that mean?

That makes the site loading time faster, the user will enjoy faster web page loading time and Google crawlers will find your site easy to access, to crawl and even rank.

4. Server optimization

Optimizing a severs that hosts lots of websites will be a pain, especially if there is no SSD storage. Even, if the server is accelerated, it will be difficult to maintain some stability because of many factors that you can’t control.

For a VPS, optimizing it will be much easier, safer and guarantee resources like RAM, CPU, SSD storage and more. So, if you want to install some PHP optimizations, you’ll find it easier.

In addition, there are many PHP accelerator tools that web hosts install specifically for WordPress.

That way, with optimized PHP, the VPS makes WordPress faster, and even safer with the right security configurations. That’s why businesses started investing in managed VPS hosting services.

5. Software acceleration

To make VPS work faster, there is always a solution for each challenge, for example, installing WordPress and hosting it will be different from hosting a game. Each app needs customized settings, code, and tools.

Keeping that in mind, imagine hosting a game on shared hosting, you’ll have no luck to succeed as the software consumes lots of resources. But if you choose VPS, you’ll have more power and RAM that you can later upgrade to a dedicated server with one click of the button.

These are the main differences between VPS and shared web hosting speed, if you want to add something, we’ll be happy to hear from you, use the comment section below.

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MyBlogHosting writers are experts on web hosting, WordPress, and server optimizations with years of experience in solving web host problems, reviewing companies and helping bloggers, business owners, and webmasters to choose a good reliable and secure hosting service: team led by Fathi Arfaoui.

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